Friday, November 21, 2008

Radar guns and rubber legs

Ray E. was kind enough to bring his radar equipment last night so we can determine hardest shot, and fastest skater (Why?) Fred C. was supposed to videotape but a few synapses refused to fire in his head, so he forgot. Booooo. :-) So no videotape boys, sorry. You can soap bag Fred at the Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot (what the hell do we call this annual thing anyway?)
I know everyone is anxious to see the results, so here they are, from fastest to slowest skater, in MPH:

24 Bill M (I want a redo on THIS one! )
20 Vesa/Carl
20 John F.
20 Bubba
19 Chris D.
19 Matt P.
19 Bill D.
18 Ray E.
18 Pete w.
18 T.J.
18 John A.
17 Geza
16 Joe M. (after a nice fall, good recovery!)
15 Bill P... who gets the first ever TWAHT Gumby Award

The goalies did well:

16 Tom B.
14 Mike M.

Now the next challenge was fastest shot, which was had a great variance in speed between all of us. ONLY THE FIRST SHOT counted, boys. Just like in a real game, ya only got one shot to put it in (well, I mean in most games that have a defense) Again, fastest to slowest in MPH. Feel free to convert to Km if it makes you feel better.

71 Bubba (nice one!)
68 Matt P.
68 Bill M.
66 Chris D.
65 Ray E.
59 T.J.
58 Bill D.
58 John A.
54 Joe M.
48 John F. who gets the first TWAHT Limp Wrist award.

No complaining allowed! It isnt my fault if you suck donkey balls. For t-day we'll each get 2 tries of skating and shooting and we'll take the average.

Remember, next week is the annual TWAHT Turkey Day Shoot. I am not sure what the official title is, but it starts at 10 am. Bring BOTH a light and dark jersey as Bill Weber will be assigning teams. A post about that will be coming next week. Bring your cameras if you can, I can only take so many pics.


Anonymous said...

I was paid top dollar to "forget" and not tape! -Fred C

Phuckhead said...

Damn that Bill P.!

Bubba18 said...

i'm still disapointed with 71 i know with 7 or 8 more shots i can get 72