Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Turkey Shoot won by Team White 10-1

Ok, so Team White actually lost 8-6. But since most people will only read the headline, worth a shot. In actuality, the second annual TWAHT Thanksgiving Day Turkey Shoot thing has come and gone, with great success and an incredible time had by all. 

We couldnt perform the long awaited skills competition due to lack of voltage (ie dead batteries) so we went straight into game mode. 

And what a game! Both sides had spectacular goaltending, tough D, and pretty playmaking and scoring. Since many of the TWAHT's couldnt make it, the substitutes brought in did very well as the replacement cheap bastards that TWAHT alumni would be proud of. A little hacking, tripping, hooking and general "in your face" fun.

I have some video to go through, and TJ has some additional pictures, so this will be part one of a few parts.

After the game, the TWAHT-ers enjoyed snacks, beer, and a shrimp platter with REAL cocktail sauce. Not just ketchup and horseradish mixed up, but real sauce. No BBQ, since we need to get a new one. Frankly, WOI owes us one, but ain't no water coming from that stone. The day was warm, the beer cold, and the usual tomfoolery priceless.

Some group shots:

Ok, so we finally have a picture of TWAHT's most ornery player, Pete. Since it wasnt 9pm,  Pete was still awake and available for picture time.
The young subs. Yea, some day all three of YOU will be fat and lazy too. Hanging out at WOI until 3 am looking for your car keys and wondering if the wife will notice you stumbling home reeking of beer and brats. Or falling off the O'ROURKE picnic table with a bloody head. Or staying until 6 am when the hockey moms and dads bring their kids for morning practice...enjoy your speed now. It's downhill from here...(im just fucking jealous)
Bill and TJ showing why they are good influences for todays youth. Here, describing what a TWAHT is, in medical terms. 
Chan wondering how the hell she got involved in this. 

John does the hokey pokey and turns himself around. That IS what its all about.
Front passenger seat of Ray's truck. I see it is only at half capacity right now, and a seemingly low count of fast food articles. Disappointing. The last time it was filled to the window line, and emptying it filled a commercial garbage pail. 
The lonely shrimp. These lasted about 14.5 seconds. Kudos on the special china.
Matt is officially inducted into TWAHT with a sip of beer and a smile.

Tim S. shows us what a real hockey player looks like. As part of the group of guys  that were looking on the ice for the missing jawbone and teeth, and helping him off the ice with blood pouring down his chin two years ago, I can say looking good, Tim!

More to come...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Lineup

Ok, so the second annual Turkey day "Im going to get in trouble with the wife for being drunk and falling asleep when the in laws come" hockey game is all set, and the fun starts at 10 am VERY SHARP!

PLEASE be there early and READY TO GO by 10.

We will start off with the shooting competition, and skating competition. All must participate.Ray E. will be bringing the guns again. Each of us will get 2 shots. Same with the skating, each will get 2 runs.

Then the game will begin!

Here is the lineup for now, subject to slight modifications. Please bring both color jerseys just in case we need to change things around:

Team White:

Mike M. in goal
Bill D.
Chris D.
Geoff W.
Fred C.
Carl V.
Ed T.
Bill P.
Ray E.
Cooke L.
Cooke son #1

Team Dark:

Tom B. in goal
Bill W.
Bill W.'s brother #1
Bill W.'s brother #2
Tim S.
Pete W.
John A.
Mike S.
Cooke son #2
Pete W.'s son
Mike S.'s son

Friday, November 21, 2008

Radar guns and rubber legs

Ray E. was kind enough to bring his radar equipment last night so we can determine hardest shot, and fastest skater (Why?) Fred C. was supposed to videotape but a few synapses refused to fire in his head, so he forgot. Booooo. :-) So no videotape boys, sorry. You can soap bag Fred at the Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot (what the hell do we call this annual thing anyway?)
I know everyone is anxious to see the results, so here they are, from fastest to slowest skater, in MPH:

24 Bill M (I want a redo on THIS one! )
20 Vesa/Carl
20 John F.
20 Bubba
19 Chris D.
19 Matt P.
19 Bill D.
18 Ray E.
18 Pete w.
18 T.J.
18 John A.
17 Geza
16 Joe M. (after a nice fall, good recovery!)
15 Bill P... who gets the first ever TWAHT Gumby Award

The goalies did well:

16 Tom B.
14 Mike M.

Now the next challenge was fastest shot, which was had a great variance in speed between all of us. ONLY THE FIRST SHOT counted, boys. Just like in a real game, ya only got one shot to put it in (well, I mean in most games that have a defense) Again, fastest to slowest in MPH. Feel free to convert to Km if it makes you feel better.

71 Bubba (nice one!)
68 Matt P.
68 Bill M.
66 Chris D.
65 Ray E.
59 T.J.
58 Bill D.
58 John A.
54 Joe M.
48 John F. who gets the first TWAHT Limp Wrist award.

No complaining allowed! It isnt my fault if you suck donkey balls. For t-day we'll each get 2 tries of skating and shooting and we'll take the average.

Remember, next week is the annual TWAHT Turkey Day Shoot. I am not sure what the official title is, but it starts at 10 am. Bring BOTH a light and dark jersey as Bill Weber will be assigning teams. A post about that will be coming next week. Bring your cameras if you can, I can only take so many pics.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ode to the guy who drives the Zamboni

Tj. Our illustrious cleaner of ice, and occasional backup goalie. Known to be the boy toy of Linda after hours, and caretaker of her pussy (cats). I have written a short poem.

Tj's the guy who cleans the ice
rididng a zamboni sure loooks nice
from Linda's hair he pulls the lice
around the rink he kills the mice.

Putting down hot water each night
around and around the rink is his flight
he knows what to do and does it right
so a bunch of old drunks can skate tonight.

Thank you TJ, for cleaning so well
working for Furgie has got to be hell
as a backup goalie you sure are swell
when Bellini doesnt show we cant even tell.

So this ode is for you my zamboni friend
cutting and scraping from one end to end
around the corner and into the bend
our ice it is that you so well mend.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Save of the week

Mike M. on Bubba's shootout attempt. Pad, then glove save. The fact that the controversial goal by Bubba last week was against Mike is the very meaning of true Karma. Dark is vindicated, and the victory for Dark is forever etched in the bits and bytes of the internet for all eternity. Bill W, by the way, ended up with the shootout winning goal for Dark.

Friday, November 7, 2008

10 greatest TWAHT moments

Fellow TWAHTs,

It is with great pleasure and gentle rubbing of our collective Gspots that I request your involvement in ...........the 10 Greatest TWAHT moments in history. The list will be compiled by my fellow hair pies, and be released at the Thanksgiving Day Banquet. (Somewhere between the grill and the Andros shrimp cocktail platter.)

I will kick it off with the last nights mention.....Andros going toe to toe with the Hockey Shiekh (what the f-ck where you thinking??) around 2004?

Do not be a beef curtain, or a cameltoe. Post your entry.....

Controversial Goal Causes Riots in Bridgeport

NEWSFLASH: 11/6/08 Bridgeport, CT 11:52 pm
Police were called to the Wonderland of Ice, located in Bridgeport, Connecticut last night to quell disgruntled fans of "The Dark Team" who were disappointed with a goal scored by veteran star Marc "Bubba" Scosta. Mr. Scosta apparently took the puck from the mouth of his goal after Dark scored to tie the game at 4-4, and rushed it down the other end before Dark was aware of the play, and all alone, threw the puck past Mike McNiff. McNiff claims the game had already ended at 4-4, as the other goalie had apparently stated "One more minute" a couple of minutes before the play.
"That toe rag Bellini had called one more minute!" spoke out a disappointed McNiff. " And by the time Bubba scored, that minute was long gone."
Others didnt seem so concerned.
"Is the BBQ working?" was all Ray Esposito would say to us in the interviews.
"Mmmmm....cheese and bacon burgers" Exclaimed John Andros.
"I durstin fur de boordingle" stated an obviously hungry Vesa/Carl.
Police arrested several fans who were outside the packed arena, attempting to over turn Scosta's car as he sped out of the parking lot, not willing to talk to reporters or teammates. The others arrested were in altercations between Dark and White fans. Those fans will be arraigned in Superior Court today.
But what do other fans think? Participate in the poll below and let your voice be heard.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008



-Drum Roll-

We are on at 9:15 starting tomorrow. Please adjust your masturbation schedule appropriately.

That is all.