Thursday, October 9, 2008


NEWS FLASH from John F: "The Grill was stolen from the rink. I think if we find the Jeep we may
find the Grill "

John is a little behind the times (Jeep was found, dood)

Holy Shit! Can anyone in this world be more of a loser than the dreg(s) of society that has "acquired" our grill? I mean, come on. A Jeep with a cute cat is one thing, it's another to take a man's grill! It is second only to porking your best friend's wife. Right now, someone else's meat is being fondled on OUR grill, and I, for one, do not like it one bit! That should be OUR meat being cooked to perfection...grease and oil dripping onto the hot burner diffuser, popping into delightful, aromatic steam.

There is talk about skipping hockey tonight, forming a posse, and tracking down this scum. Perhaps chopping off a big toe and grilling that up, with some sauteed onions (does that go with big toe?) and forcing this vermin to consume his own flesh will be a lesson to other would be thieves.

In any event...a moment of silence is to be observed today at 4:20 (might as well smoke a bit while being silent).


Bubba18 said...

Really? who takes a grill with no gas tank besides one of us? we need to bring a camera and get some new pics up on this blog

Phuckhead said...

Yay! Bubba has agreed to bring a camera tonight!!

Anonymous said...

We will miss grill.. like picnic table, grill was one of us!