Monday, October 13, 2008

A new age of BBQ 10/9/08

Once again, our intrepid team of morons and miscreants took to the ice, even though it was Yom Kippur (shame on the one Jewish person on our team), where another star studded event took place. The crowds (Linda, the mice, a stray cat, Jesus) cheered as the two able goalies kept this one a very close match! That is up until the championship, ( to five) when team white solidified and team dark dissolved. White won! And in Bridgeport, that is saying something!

Our after game festivities included two Hiney kegs, and a large assortment of beers. The would be criminals that would have otherwise foiled feebler men of less manliness into little girls, bitching and crying about what to do about the stolen BBQ (see last weeks post!), didnt count on our resourcefulness. Rob W. came through with the portable, and Rob M. supplied some damn good hot wings with blue cheese to char upon it. Good shit!

Also, remember, any picture can be clicked on to increase it's size. Just in case you wanted to see the buffalo wings up closer to inspect for feathers.

John A. cooks, while the wing supplier Rob M. inspects the progress.

MMMmmm.....Buffalo wings!

We get our own STOP sign. This is to keep roving homeless away from our feast.

Tom is in pre-moon phase, or "waxing anus".

"Random shot". I am not that creative today :-(

Another night in paradise

Another random shot...gotta get to work at some point today, so this is it, too bad.

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