Monday, October 27, 2008

Goal of the game 10/23/08

Mike B. with a little move gets this weeks goal of the game.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The replacement BBQ makes it's "debut" 10/23/08

Last night was COLD. Probably the first night this year we could actually feel it. 32 degrees and no moisture in the air at all made for some chilly fingertips while holding our equally chilly beverages. 

Let me backtrack a bit...great stick last night, teams again were evenly talented, even if the desire to win the "championship" was skewed. White dominated and ran over dark with a solid 5-0 win, and Mike M. took the shutout home. Heavy hitting and chippy play was the mindset all night, but in the end, pure finesse won the game.

Ok, back to the important stuff...the new grill! Tom B. decided it was time to donate his secondary grill to TWAHT, replacing the previously "stolen" grill. Now this is story unto itself, because, in fact the grill was NOT stolen! You read right. It was THROWN OUT by the geniuses at WOL who thought it was garbage. So, it is in a landfill somewhere with OUR tasty grease, never again to burn and flavor our various meats. Give me a second...sniff.

Sorry. On with the show...I think it is important, at this point to see where we started, two years ago, with the grilling at TWAHT. My old weber charcoal grill. I can still taste the lighter fluid.

Tom brings down the new stainless unit with sideburner. Holy shit, just what we needed! Another cooking surface. We might as well just all get prescriptions for Lipitor.

There was just one propane tank. Zamboni guy TJ brought out a huge tank, but unfortunately, the adapter was not the right depth. The little penis thing on the grill adapter could not go deep enough to penetrate the female adapter on the tank. Sounds familiar to some of you, I am sure (locker room pics to come). Tom is saddened by this news.

However, Rob W. comes through again. The portable coleman camping cooker is broken out, and our initial use of the new fancy BBQ is to use it as a table for the coleman. Good enough for us! Bill M. gets it ready to cook our arteries closed.

The boys wait in anticipation for the food.

The three amigos put up their favorite hand symbols. Rich does the fist pump, Mike M. is all about peace, and the evil Joe M. rocks out.

More waiting for the food...I dont think the grill was even started yet. What the fuck guys?

And now to introduce our Grill Master this week...Mr. Rob W., who was also responsible for bringing the portable grill and saving us from becoming waifs with the lack of food.

The first course. Mike B. brought these awesome appetizer meatballs. Thats all she wrote for me taking pictures of food, because in short order, the meatballs were cooked and devoured, then the hot dogs, then the sausages. I am sorry, I do not remember who brought what, except all condiments and chips and I think all rolls were brought by Fred, and the sausages were submitted by Bill P. I'll correct/update if those responsible email me!! I don't think I have ever seen grilling on top of a grill, this picture it just too funny.

Tom B, John A, and Ray E, are very happy to be part of such a wonderful organization. And to be away from the wives and kids for the night.

Three guys, all so into hockey that each MUST wear hockey apparel. Bill "go fuck yourself" P, "smiling" Mike B, and Rob "I must watch the grill and concentrate on it or all will be lost" W.
Victory is sweet for Geoff and Tj. Linus, where did you park your car dood?

I keep Rob W. company while he grills (and I get first servings of food.)

I have no frikking pictures of Pete since he has to go home to get his beauty sleep every week, and when I finally get one, it is blurry. I blame it on Bill M. It's just easier that way.

Some updated pics, taken by TJ will be posted up on the right sometime in the next day or two. I will be doing my best to have one good shot of each player in that whole column as individuals, then I will make a posting one day of all action shots. As well, for those who didnt know, I videotaped last nights action. I will be posting up some clips from that as well at some time.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Dirty water dogs 10/16/08

So another evening of grueling hockey. The teams were incredibly even this week, and once again both net minders were superb. As well, both the offense and defense for each team deserved some accolades with solid back and forth action.

Then came the "championship". Our little "play to 5" end of evening marathon that started like any other, until team dark basically imploded. In less than 2 minutes, white, led by Matt, scored 4 goals.

The response of team blue can be captured in this pic, of Scot (aka doc), who wholeheartedly responds: "It was all my fault"

Well Doc, I cant argue with a goal or two, but give credit to white, they tossed our entire 5 guys out there in the last 2 minutes like a hooker jerking off a midget. Does that make sense?

Oh well...there is always next week!

Our in house professional photographer TJ will be submitting some good action shots that Ill post up over the weekend or beginning of next week. On with the pics...

First off, the Grill Master this week was our defensive rookie sensation Chris "dirty water dog" D. Unbelievable! A whole friggin NY city hot dog cart miniaturized at WOL, but without the foreign accent (though sometimes I DO have trouble understanding Chris, and Vesa wasnt there). Hot dogs steamed in beer with potato rolls, cooked saurkraut and toppings. Kudos Chris...awesome spread!

Chris serves a hot one to Ray E....

...Ray E. eats aforementioned hot one.

Group shot...

Another group shot...

One more group shot...

Geza and Tj contemplate quantum physics over a beer...

...while John A. and Mike B. contemplate who has the fattest ass in Hollywood.

Billy M. figures Ray had the right idea. Go on TJ, you have one too!

With that kind of smile on Tom's face, Im not sure if we want to know what Rob W. and Tom B. were discussing!

Geoff joins Geza and Tj and dumbs the whole conversation down.

(From left) Mike M., Rob M., John A., and Bill M. Which one doesnt belong?

Rob W. watches Chris D. drop a hot dog (Ha ha ha! John F. ate it and didnt know until now!!!!) Rich G. strikes a pose.

Linus tells John F, Matt P, and Rob M about the woman tied up in his basement.

Scot, Ed and Linus chillin. 

Monday, October 13, 2008

A new age of BBQ 10/9/08

Once again, our intrepid team of morons and miscreants took to the ice, even though it was Yom Kippur (shame on the one Jewish person on our team), where another star studded event took place. The crowds (Linda, the mice, a stray cat, Jesus) cheered as the two able goalies kept this one a very close match! That is up until the championship, ( to five) when team white solidified and team dark dissolved. White won! And in Bridgeport, that is saying something!

Our after game festivities included two Hiney kegs, and a large assortment of beers. The would be criminals that would have otherwise foiled feebler men of less manliness into little girls, bitching and crying about what to do about the stolen BBQ (see last weeks post!), didnt count on our resourcefulness. Rob W. came through with the portable, and Rob M. supplied some damn good hot wings with blue cheese to char upon it. Good shit!

Also, remember, any picture can be clicked on to increase it's size. Just in case you wanted to see the buffalo wings up closer to inspect for feathers.

John A. cooks, while the wing supplier Rob M. inspects the progress.

MMMmmm.....Buffalo wings!

We get our own STOP sign. This is to keep roving homeless away from our feast.

Tom is in pre-moon phase, or "waxing anus".

"Random shot". I am not that creative today :-(

Another night in paradise

Another random shot...gotta get to work at some point today, so this is it, too bad.

It's official! Jesus played hockey!

Just unearthed from the vatican in rome, this 2010 year old painting proves that the almighty himself loved hockey as much or more than we do. This leaves theologians to wonder about the true persecution of the son of god. Maybe they were Chicago Blackhawks fans? (the last time the Hawks won I believe was around this time).
No one may ever know the truth, but at least when we strap the blades on every Thursday, we can assume the big "J" is looking down, smiling, and whispering in our ears "hook that fucker!"

Thursday, October 9, 2008


NEWS FLASH from John F: "The Grill was stolen from the rink. I think if we find the Jeep we may
find the Grill "

John is a little behind the times (Jeep was found, dood)

Holy Shit! Can anyone in this world be more of a loser than the dreg(s) of society that has "acquired" our grill? I mean, come on. A Jeep with a cute cat is one thing, it's another to take a man's grill! It is second only to porking your best friend's wife. Right now, someone else's meat is being fondled on OUR grill, and I, for one, do not like it one bit! That should be OUR meat being cooked to perfection...grease and oil dripping onto the hot burner diffuser, popping into delightful, aromatic steam.

There is talk about skipping hockey tonight, forming a posse, and tracking down this scum. Perhaps chopping off a big toe and grilling that up, with some sauteed onions (does that go with big toe?) and forcing this vermin to consume his own flesh will be a lesson to other would be thieves.

In any event...a moment of silence is to be observed today at 4:20 (might as well smoke a bit while being silent).