Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Weekend BBQ blast off


I can still feel the food in the pit of my stomach. Just sitting there like so many of our TWAHT players do on the ice. Waiting. Watching. Wondering where to go next. Using little poke checks instead of getting in the fucking guy's face, and giving a bit of an ass kicking. Skating like you only gotta beat grandma in a walker on the ice. Fucking cones.

Where was I?

The reason for my gluttony could not be helped. Rob W. decided a deep fryer for wings and a Coleman burner/stove to make hot sauce, besides the usual grilling would help replace all of those valuable calories we burned off and lost, and miss so much. Everyone chipped in food and beer, and this year's summer BBQ season kick off was the best yet! Thanks to all who brought so much good shit!

On with the pics....

Linus started off things right with some mixed brats and hot dogs. He soon gave up, but complained to Bill D. later that HE was supposed to be the brat guy when Bill D. had to take over. Geoff is present in a supervisory capacity.

Next up, in case you were wondering how you gained 8 lbs last night after 2 hours of full out hockey, the secret ingredient in the hot sauce Rob W. made is.....BUTTER. Ahhhhh....look at that melty goodness. Nothing screams aortic failure like deep fried wings dipped in buttery hot sauce.

And here is the deep frying sequence, done by the talented and charismatic legend of lard, Rob W.
The deep fryer looks just so innocent there...

Rob M. looks on as Rob W. mans the deep fryer.

Rob wisks the first batch of wings into the buttery goodness. Fucking a right dawg!

Meanwhile, another round of we needed another round of food!

I think John F. likes the brats. Was that number 4 or 5, John?

Bill D. cooks up the last of the cheeseburgers. Yes, we also had cheeseburgers. Why did my stomach hurt again this morning?

Rob W. and Chris D. contemplate the reasons why 21 guys are hanging out in the rink parking lot at 12:45 grilling food and gorging themselves.

Joe, Bob and Bill. What 3 original, uncommon names you three have!

Steve V., Rob M, and Vesa (Carl) look mischevious. Where did you hide that last brat, boys?

Mike, Bubba, John and Matt tease a retarded kid.

Fred, doc and Joe discuss Joe's upcoming sex change operation. Doc, being in the medical field was sure Joe could take at least a "C" cup.

Geza and Geoff liked my sex change joke.

Matt kisses the TWAHT Memorial cup with a 5-4 victory.

Bill M: Linus, I think you got pretty eyes
Linus: Thanks :-)

Geoff, John and TJ look upon Linus and Bill's blooming love

Bubba and our new goalie, TJ.

Rich just smiles away while Bill tries to comfort John who has acquired "limp wrist" disease.

Parting group shot...